IMPACT Northeast CIC

Welcome to

I.M.P.A.C.T Northeast

Psychological Community Services

Under Construction


Our professional training aims to increase the knowledge , skills and competancies of professionals who work with children & young people.

Outcomes : Greater understanding and skills to increase social and emotional well-being of children & young people.

Some of our gold star training includes the following;

     Staff Courses

  1. Emotional reslience - This course helps your staff increase their self awareness and how to increase communication  harmony  through verbal and non-verbal communication.
  2. Understanding Attachement - Increase theoretical knowldege and how to support a child who presents with attchement disorders.
  3. Managing attachment driven behaviours - Recognising, working and supporting these behaviours which can distrupt your home.
  4. Active listening skills - increasing staff awareness how to listen to verbal and non-verbal and the importance of getting paraligual communication correct.
  5. Effective Time management for a good work life balance - Ensuring staff look after their well-being and manage  time effectively.
  6. Mental Health Awareness for children & young people - Develop an overveiw and understanding of mental health and well-being.
  7. Impact of parent mental health on children and young people - Understanding the impact of parental mental health and how this can effect children & young people.
  8. Stress Awareness -Understanding stress and the impact.
  9. Understand childrens behavour  (for support staff and assistants) Supporting staff to feel confident during conflict.
  10. Introduction to Counselling Skills - Expand you staff skills  to include counselling to support emotional development of children & young people.
  11. Managing and understanding self harm - increase your knowledge around and bust the myths on self harm and how to manage it.

We have many more training courses available, remember that we also develop bespoke courses.

"I really enjoyed the training , and found it interesting. The course was delivered to a high standard and the tutor really understood the topic. The course really helped me see through a different lense and I feel I understand 'attachment driven behaviours' a little more and feel more confident in apporaching and supporting the emotional well-being of my pupils. Even understood myself a little more, would definatley recommend this to all teachers."

Year 5 Primary Teacher


We also offer a range of additional workshops and training sessions for children & Young people. As part of a yearly package, settings are entitled to one workshop per SLA agreement for children & young people, parents and one for staff. These are at no extra cost. Our range of workshops includes:

Additional sessions can be bought in as and when required.

Some of our recent workshops;

1. Emotional, Social and Personal Safety (including good touch bad touch where requested).
2. Positive Friendships (Anti Bullying)
3. Understand Cyber Bullying and staying safe
4. Managing you’re volcano (Anger Management)
5. Managing Stress 
6. Class Relaxation & Healthy Minds
8. Emotional Well-being

9. Understanding feeling and emotions

10. Sexual Explotation

11. LGBT awareness

12. Understanding Shame

13. Understanding Domestic violence

Video put together by the children following World Mental Health day 2019